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A Practical Guide to Data Mining for Business and Industry

A Practical Guide to Data Mining for Business and Industry

by Andrea Ahlemeyer-Stubbe
324 Pages · 2014 · 16.1 MB · 1,741 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
Real-Time Big Data Analytics
by Mike Barlow
30 Pages · 2013 · 4.7 MB · 1,485 Downloads · New!
Five or six years ago, analysts working with big datasets made queries and got the results back overnight. The data world was revolutionized a few years ago when Hadoop and other tools made it possible to get the results from queries in minutes. But the revolution continues. Analysts now demand sub-second, near real-time query results. Fortunately, we have the tools to deliver them. This report examines tools and technologies that are driving real-time big data analytics.
The Data Warehouse Toolkit, 3rd Edition
by Margy Ross
600 Pages · 2013 · 5.8 MB · 1,562 Downloads · New!
The first edition of Ralph Kimball’s The Data Warehouse Toolkit introduced the industry to dimensional modeling, and now his books are considered the most authoritative guides in this space. This new third edition is a complete library of updated dimensional modeling techniques, the most comprehensive collection ever. It covers new and enhanced star schema dimensional modeling patterns, adds two new chapters on ETL techniques, includes new and expanded business matrices for 12 case studies, and more.
Models and Analysis for Distributed Systems
by Fabrice Kordon
368 Pages · 2011 · 4 MB · 1,187 Downloads · New!
Nowadays, distributed systems are increasingly present, for public software applications as well as critical systems. software applications as well as critical systems. This title and Distributed Systems: Design and Algorithms – from the same editors – introduce the underlying concepts, the associated design techniques and the related security issues.
Data Analysis with Open Source Tools
by Philipp K. Janert
538 Pages · 2010 · 8.2 MB · 2,718 Downloads · New!
Collecting data is relatively easy, but turning raw information into something useful requires that you know how to extract precisely what you need. With this insightful book, intermediate to experienced programmers interested in data analysis will learn techniques for working with data in a business environment. You’ll learn how to look at data to discover what it contains, how to capture those ideas in conceptual models, and then feed your understanding back into the organization through business plans, metrics dashboards, and other applications.
Pentaho Kettle Solutions
by Jos van Dongen
720 Pages · 2010 · 16 MB · 4,623 Downloads · New!
This practical book is a complete guide to installing, configuring, and managing Pentaho Kettle. If you’re a database administrator or developer, you’ll first get up to speed on Kettle basics and how to apply Kettle to create ETL solutions – before progressing to specialized concepts such as clustering, extensibility, and data vault models. Learn how to design and build every phase of an ETL solution.
A Manager’s Guide to Data Warehousing
by Laura Reeves
480 Pages · 2009 · 2.7 MB · 3,940 Downloads · New!
Aimed at helping business and IT managers clearly communicate with each other, this helpful book addresses concerns straight-on and provides practical methods to building a collaborative data warehouse. You’ll get clear explanations of the goals and objectives of each stage of the data warehouse lifecycle while learning the roles that both business managers and technicians play at each stage. Discussions of the most critical decision points for success at each phase of the data warehouse lifecycle help you understand ways in which both business and IT management can make decisions that best meet unified objectives.


