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AngularJS Essentials

AngularJS Essentials

by Rodrigo Branas
180 Pages · 2014 · 1.2 MB · 4,310 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
AngularJS: Up and Running
by Brad Green
302 Pages · 2014 · 2.8 MB · 1,306 Downloads · New!
If want to get started with AngularJS, either as a side project, an additional tool, or for your main work, this practical guide teaches you how to use this meta-framework step-by-step, from the basics to advanced concepts. By the end of the book, you’ll understand how to develop a large, maintainable, and performant application with AngularJS.
Beginning AngularJS
by Andrew Grant
191 Pages · 2014 · 2.9 MB · 4,333 Downloads · New!
Beginning AngularJS is your step-by-step guide to learning the powerful AngularJS JavaScript framework. AngularJS is one of the most respected and innovative frameworks for building properly structured, easy-to-develop web applications. This book will teach you the absolute essentials, from downloading and installing AngularJS, to using modules, controllers, expressions, filters, and directives. Unlike many other books, you don’t need experience with AngularJS or deep JavaScript knowledge to get started here.
Learning AngularJS Animations
by Richard Keller
182 Pages · 2014 · 2.1 MB · 1,271 Downloads · New!
AngularJS is an extensive framework used to make full-blown websites with minimal code. Animations in AngularJS are achieved through CSS3 transitions, CSS animations, and JavaScript. AngularJS allows you to create animations with outstanding effects. There are a variety of effects that can be integrated with AngularJS and different ways to achieve the same result. Learning AngularJS Animations will help you choose a way that best fits your needs. This guide is a complete step-by-step tutorial to improving UX by using animations in AngularJS projects. The first few chapters explain the basics of CSS3 transitions and animations and all the available features such as CSS3 keyframes to be used together with AngularJS, also covering how to move beyond JavaScript animations. The book then shows you how to choose an appropriate approach for creating web apps. It provides you with an understanding of how AngularJS native directives can be animated with CSS or JavaScript and how to animate custom directives using the $animate service.
Learning AngularJS for .NET Developers
by Alex Pop
202 Pages · 2014 · 2 MB · 4,272 Downloads · New!
AngularJS is the most popular JavaScript MVC framework, and it embraces and extends HTML rather than abstracting it. The building of single-page applications is a web-designer-friendly process with the AngularJS expressive HTML vocabulary. It drastically reduces the amount of JavaScript required to control complex user interactions and enforces a modular approach to structuring your JavaScript code.
Pro AngularJS
by Adam Freeman
688 Pages · 2014 · 11.9 MB · 1,648 Downloads · New!
AngularJS is the leading framework for building dynamic JavaScript applications that take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers and devices. AngularJS, which is maintained by Google, brings the power of the MVC pattern to the client, providing the foundation for complex and rich web apps. It allows you to build applications that are smaller, faster, and with a lighter resource footprint than ever before.
Responsive Web Design with AngularJS
by Sandeep Kumar Patel
128 Pages · 2014 · 2.3 MB · 4,602 Downloads · New!
AngularJS is an open source JavaScript framework, built to create dynamic web applications using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. AngularJS has many advanced features that can be used to leverage responsive application development.


