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Canvas LMS Course Design

Canvas LMS Course Design

by Ryan John
299 Pages · 2014 · 4.94 MB · 3,229 Downloads · New!
" Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give. ” ― Ben Carson
JIRA Essentials – Third Edition
by Patrick Li
409 Pages · 2015 · 16.51 MB · 3,464 Downloads · New!
Atlassian JIRA is an enterprise issue tracker system. One of its key strengths is its ability to adapt to the needs of the organization, ranging from building Atlassian application interfaces to providing a platform for add-ons to extend JIRA’s capabilities.
Identity Theft (In Controversy)
by Jim Whiting
96 Pages · 2012 · 5.42 MB · 2,891 Downloads · New!
Identity theft is one of the most common crimes in the world today, in large part because it’s so easy to do. Through objective discussion, numerous direct quotes and full-color illustrations, this title examines What are the roots of the identity theft problem? How serious a problem is identity theft? Are businesses and current laws adequately protecting against identity theft? Can identity theft be prevented? How can people reclaim their identities if they become victims?
Discovering Computers ©2016
by Jennifer T. Campbell
828 Pages · 2016 · 134.93 MB · 2,574 Downloads · New!
Learn how to maximize the use of mobile devices, make the most of the latest online tools for collaboration and communications, and fully utilize today’s Internet capabilities with DISCOVERING COMPUTERS ESSENTIALS ©2016. This book clearly shows you how technology skills can assist you in gaining employment or advancing your career. Discover and practice using the most recent developments in computer tools and technology with this book’s wide variety of practice and reinforcement opportunities. Each chapter begins with a self-assessment that enables you to target your study to learn more in less time! DISCOVERING COMPUTERS offers the content you need to succeed in a way that ensures your understanding and success.
Git Version Control Cookbook
by Rasmus Voss
273 Pages · 2014 · 4.98 MB · 4,327 Downloads · New!
Starting with the Git data model, you will learn how Git stores files and how it looks at commits. You will then learn how you can recover from mistakes; from committing on the wrong branch to recovering lost commits/files. Next, you will discover how you can force rebase on some branches and use regular Git merge on other branches. You will also learn how to extract information from the repository.
Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development
by Dr Alex Blewitt
362 Pages · 2014 · 5.28 MB · 1,343 Downloads · New!
Mastering Eclipse Plug-in Development shows you how to build an extensible application using custom extension points and dynamic OSGi services in Eclipse. Dynamic design patterns such as whiteboard and extender are covered along with specific techniques to deal with native and legacy code.
Learning Zurb Foundation
by Kevin Horek
270 Pages · 2014 · 5.31 MB · 2,728 Downloads · New!
Responsive web design is the next big thing in web design right now. It allows you to control and adapt to the user experience across a variety of devices, screens, and resolutions. Foundation is one of the most well-known responsive frameworks available, and allows you to speed up the prototyping, designing, and theming of your web project; as well as allowing you to create your own custom themes to suit your needs. It makes your life easier by giving you a grid, elements, and JavaScript functions that are responsive and easily customized to work with any web or mobile project that arises.


